Last night I had my first big dinner since I arrived - we went to the Italian restaurant that I mentioned and I had the largest calzone I have ever seen. I then got the first 8-hour night of sleep I've had..so overall it was a recovery day once we got home. This would be necessary, because today...
Time for another car ride!
Today we drove to Kasese, which is a region in western Uganda (as you can see, very western Uganda). This i

s a 7.5 hour drive without stopping, and we made it in just under 9. We don't have any company operations there, but there are many farmers growing similar crops, and a game reserve, so we thought it would be worthwhile to head over. On the way here, there were numerous ads for some sort of car giveaway, which you can see to the right. I kept thinking they said "Chanukah," so I did about 58 double-takes on the way up here.
We also passed a large estate on a hill belonging to one of the traditional regional kings. Although they don't hold any formal government power, they still wield authority amongst the tribal people, and are extremely well respected. There is even a lane in the center of town on the main road that no one else is allowed to use.

When we were getting closer, I saw my first exotic animal..a sign of things to come I think.

After some sleep tonight we have another long day of exploring tomorrow.
Yay, a monkey! I want to go!!! haha